Purpose of teeth is not limited only to chewing, teeth has deep ramifications related to our personality as teeth affect our looks, speech, facial profile, shape of Jaw bones or in broader sense we affects the way we carry ourselves, our self-confidence in dependent on teeth as dis-oriented face changes our mental attitude and we may even develop depression and may loose self esteem and drive to move forward.
So teeth are important for our physical & mental health.
Procedure : Depending on different criterias teeth can be fixed by:
1. Crown & Bridge.
2. Implants.
Here we will discuss crown & bridge :
1. Affordability: Certainly much less expensive and early to maintain, Almost zero maintenance cost. We can say Fix & Forget. It serves for years.
2. No Surgery: Procedure of fixing crown and bridge does not require any surgical procedures. as these are fixed supra-gingively.
3. Early fixation: As no surgery involves, nothing like healing delay happens & teeth can be fixed within a week.
4. No medication: we remain free of side-effects of any medicine as no medication is required.
5. Success: As no foreign material is inserted, Rate of success is high.
The outer most layer of tooth i.e. enamel is prove to may be infected also by caries. So dentist clean’s/ prepares the affected portion of tooth and gives it a shape to receive a crown.
If one or more teeth are missing or lost dentist cleans/prepares, adjacent teeth ( as per requirement) for crowns. A missing or lost teeth are fixed with the support of adjacent tooth crowns. The prosthesis/fixed teeth are called crown & bridge.
Impressions are made of prepared teeth and model is sent to dental laboratory for fabrication of exact rapilica of natural teeth.
When fabricated, crown and bridge is tried in patient’s mouth and fixed permanently. Patient walks away with confidence and drive to move forward.
Mongia Dental Hospital: Contact us for best Dental Treatment in Chandigarh