See god is greatest doctor and engineer, what he has involved over million of year through evolution or natural selection is greatest. Nothing on earth whatever technology claims can ever substitute god’s creation. As you know for sure artificial leg or arm can be replaced by technology but it can never function, it can never be better than natural leg. Same is true for teeth artificial teeth can never function as our natural teeth do. So our endeavour should be to conserve or save natural teeth. If we get tooth treated/filled in the initial stage of cavity/hole formation even root canal treatment can be avoided but sometimes due to sheer lethargy or some other restrain we neglect initial stages, and cavity/hole deepens.
Now when root apex is involved and patient is in excruciating pain, dentist is duty bond to relieve pain and put patient to comfort. Here, dentist has option either to remove/extract tooth or save tooth through treatment called root canal treatment. So as we already discussed saving tooth is better modality to relieve pain and restore normal function of tooth and oral cavity (mouth).
In our endeavour to make procedure painless the area is freezed or numbed or put to sleep through local anesthesia. I.O.P.A. X –ray /R.V.G of tooth is taken to see the shape, length of root and extent of infection. Access to infected area is made through most decayed/carious portion to save natural tooth content as far as possible. All the infected/carious/decayed portion of enamel and dentine is removed to reach pulp and root canal openings.
Here again god’s engineering comes to help us, as there is in-built canal (open area) for opening in pulp to root apex.
We glide different sizes of root reamers and root files through to clean the infection from root apex. Root canal disinfectant solutions are used to irrigate/clean the canals along with root reamers and files. Root canals are prepared/clean desired length and shape. The procedure is called Bio-mechanical preparation of root canal.
Once the root canals are prepared/clean, these are filled with gutta-parcha (material) used to fill root canals right upto root apex. This gutta-parcha is coated with adhesions and disinfectants, which forma a hermetic seal, hence literally not giving bacteria any space to sit and cause infection again:
Finally, all the lost portion (due to cavity) is re-built/restored with permanent filling materials and tooth is ready for normal functioning.
Crown is fixed on tooth to further increase/augument its life.
NRI patients can visit our clinic to get there treatment done at a low cost compared to the treatment aboard.